4 Tips to Increase Your Shopify Black Friday Sales - GigoWorlds


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Tuesday, 7 November 2017

4 Tips to Increase Your Shopify Black Friday Sales


Fall is here and that means two things: One, that I can go snowboarding soon and two, that my businesses are going to start making a lot more money.
That’s because the holidays are just around the corner and in eCommerce that means the biggest sales day of the year, Black Friday promotions.

You may be wondering, “Why do the holidays mean more money?”
Well, it’s not just for me, it’s for anyone that owns an eCommerce store. You see, around the holidays people spend more money. Whether they are buying gifts for themselves, for someone else, or just normal people who splurge around this season.
You may think that after so many years this trend might have flattened, but the truth is it continues to grow year after year. Many experts are predicting a growth rate of 4% over last year.
Even in the past few weeks, we’ve seen an uptake in sales and it will continue throughout Christmas and usually a little bit after. So how do you capitalize on this and make the most out of your existing store?
In order to make sure your business is ready, we’ve gathered four of the best tips for maximizing profits this holiday season. With these tips and a little preparation, you’ll make more from this year’s Black Friday promotions.

Tip #1 Ramp Up Your Paid Traffic Budget

You know the saying, “You have to spend money to make money?”
Well, if you really want to capitalize on this year’s holiday season you should definitely consider doubling down on your paid traffic. With an increased budget, you can really increase your visibility in the marketplace and more importantly, your sales!
This is also a great time to go back and refresh yourself on best practices or perhaps talk to one of our DSL coaches. Remember to look before you leap and make sure your messaging and landing pages are up to snuff before pulling the trigger.
This really means creating holiday-centric messaging which will let your audience know they are in the right place and that these deals are only temporary.

Tip #2 Get A Helping Hand

If you don’t want to be completely burnt out by January 1st, 2018 then you should consider bringing one or more extra people to help you for the season.
As I mentioned in my first tip, there are a lot of custom landing pages and ads to be created. Alongside that, there are a lot of smaller tasks that need to be done. To help you with all of those extra tasks, you should consider bringing on at least one virtual assistant  (VA).
This is also a good time to rely on some of the freelance websites like Fiverr and Upwork.These are great sources for your marketing assets like design and messaging.
If you’ve already been struggling with customer service, then this is the perfect time to hire a customer service rep. With the increase in visits and sales, you’ll want to consider bringing someone on so that you can actually sleep in November and December!
Holidays are a great time to scale your business
The holidays are a great time to start automating your business and hiring some help is a big part of that. Plus, after the holidays are done you can use that momentum to keep scaling your business.

Tip #3 Make The Most Out Of Your Visiting Traffic

The next thing you can do is to make more of your visiting traffic. Offer a free gift with every order, It’s the holidays. Be in the spirit of giving and include a free $10 or $20 item with everything you sell.

This increases the perceived value of your products and your business. Which means that your happy customers will come back for more and recommend your store to their friends!
On the product pages put the bonus offer with every product sold. But make sure it’s something that is related to your niche. That way your customers can really see an increased value overall.
If you put something unrelated, like a blender with a bear rug, then your customer will just be confused and you’ll lose the intended effect.

Tip #4 Change Your Coupon Codes To Be Holiday Themed

One more thing you want to start doing today is to change your expiring coupon codes. We typically use something like ‘Save5’, ‘Save10’ or ‘FreeShipping’ – change it so they’re related to the holiday season: ‘Thanksgiving2017’ or ‘BlackFriday2017’.
One more thing you want to start doing today is to change your expiring coupon codes so they relate to…CLICK TO TWEET
Keep it something that gets people knowing what time of year it is. This also promotes scarcity because it’s specific to that event and year. Which means increase sales through the power of FOMO.
Now you have everything you need for you Black Friday promotions and this holiday season. Just make sure you start preparing ASAP so that you’re not scrambling to put together holiday deals and messaging!
Have any questions or comments about Black Friday promotions? Just write them below to get them answered.
Source :https://blog.dropshiplifestyle.com/shopify-black-friday-sales/

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